Wednesday, 2 September 2009

How to Deal With Temper Tantrums Calmly

mommies,children,parentingToddlers throw tantrums as a way of expressing anger and frustration. Learning to deal with temper tantrums takes patience, yelling and screaming will only cause the child to respond negatively. What causes a tantrum to form, how to deal with temper tantrums, to how to avoid a tantrum all together. This article will help answer your questions and help you and your toddler get past this phase.

Tantrums are evenly common among both boys and girls. Learning what causes tantrums can help you to deal with tantrums. Toddlers want a sense of independence, when they can't reach that goal, frustration and anger begin. They start to yell and scream, hit, or even throw themselves on the floor in fits of anger. Tantrums are a normal part of development and dealing with them is not difficult.

When you deal with temper tantrums always remain calm. Don't try to reason with a child who is having a fit, she is unlikely to listen to reason. Instead make sure she is in a safe place and allow her to kick and scream all she wants. Ignoring the behavior is one of the best ways to deal with tantrums. If a tantrum can be avoided please do so.

Preventing a tantrum from happening is the easiest way to deal with temper tantrums. A tired, hungry, or even bored child can be a big contributor to a tantrum. Avoid taking a trip to a friends house if your child has missed a nap or it's close to nap time. Schedule activities accordingly. Also, choose your battles with your toddler. Once you choose a battle stick to it though. Giving in will only make things worse.

An important thing to remember when you deal with temper tantrums is to stay calm and ignore the behavior. Don't punish the child, but don't reward the behavior either. They are just trying to learn how to express their feelings. They will grow out of this as they get older and learn to control their emotions.

For more tips and advice on how to deal with temper tantrums and preventing tantrums from happening please click here to check out a really cool site.(Cheryl S.)

How To Make Kids Learn And Play

parenting,mommies,childrenGone are the days where the emphasis was learning from the books and rote reading. Now, researchers have proved that ‘Play Way Method’ is a better way of teaching children. They grasp, learn, retain and implement them when they learn through the play way method. Therefore playing has become an integral part of development process.

It’s good to let the child be independent and play on their own. But it’s equally important for the parents to build their self confidence, self esteem, focus their attention and help in increasing their vocabulary and improve motor skills by interactively playing with them. They may not acquire these skills naturally, so they need to be taught to do it.

Watch and Learn

To play with the child, it’s important to observe their pattern of play. Some kids like to break open the toy and see the internal workings, some just look at the exteriors of it. It requires patience to watch and understand the child’s interest and playing accordingly.

Focus on their ideas

Once the parents have observed the child, they try to take the upper hand and ask the child to do what they want to do. Although the parents do it with the good intentions, they children may not view it that way. When kids are dominated by the parents, then they get a feeling of being unable to do anything. Also, the parents may end up doing something opposite of what the child wants to do. So while playing with the child, it’s always better to ask them what they want to play and how and follow their cue.

Use Information Talk

Information Talk is terminology used by the speech therapists to interact with the child. Its nothing but talking to the child about what they see, things they hear, what they think of it etc. When the parents discuss these with the children during the playtimes, it helps them to take note of the surroundings. Also it would help to learn about the modulations in speech, improve their language and sentence construction as well. Care should be taken to load the child with so information appropriate to their age. Too much of information may confuse them.

Squat and play

Above all, children like it very much when the parents and the carers sit with them on the floor and play with their toys.(

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